웹진 7월호




해외에서 입·출국하는 재외동포가 공항에서 간편하게 각종 증명서를 발급받을 수 있는 길이 열렸다.

재외동포청은 2일 통합민원실 인천분소를 인천국제공항 제2여객터미널 2층 정부종합센터로 이전해 개소식을 갖고 본격적인 업무를 시작했다.

이날 오전부터 업무를 시작한 민원실에서는 재외국민등록부등본 발급, 해외이주신고확인서 재발급, 귀국신고 등 해외 이주 관련 각종 민원서비스와 통합민원 상담(전화 및 화상) 예약 및 안내를 받아볼 수 있다.

또 법무(국적, 동포사증, 출입국), 병무, 가족관계, 국세, 관세, 보훈, 고용, 국민연금, 건강보험, 운전면허 등 재외동포와 밀접하게 관련된 다양한 행정민원에 관한 상담서비스도 제공받을 수 있다.

정부 각 부처 민원실 있어 ‘원스톱’ 효과

   특히, 새 인천분소가 있는 인천국제공항 제2여객터미널 2층 정부종합센터에는 이름그대로 정부 각 부처의 민원통합실이 몰려 있어 재외동포들이 각종 민원업무를 보는데 시너지 효과를 얻을 것으로 기대된다.

  법무부 출입국서비스센터에서는 각종 증명서 발급뿐만 아니라 자동출입국 심사등록 등의 업무를 손쉽게 처리할 수 있다.

  또 외교부 여권민원센터에서는 연중무휴로 긴급 여권발급, 여권발급 기록증명서 발급, 여권 습득 및 분실 신고처리 업무를 할 수 있다.

  뿐만 아니라 병무청에서는 병역의무자 국외여행 허가, 출입국자 병역사항 확인·관리, 영주권자 입영신청 등의 업무를 이용할 수 있다.

  이밖에도 농림축산식품부 동·식물 검역센터, 해양수산부 수산물 검역센터, 관세청 여행자통관 민원실, 국가유산청 문화유산감정관실, 공항경찰단 치안센터, 국세청 납세지원센터가 위치하고 있다.

  재외동포청은 서울 광화문에 통합민원실을 설치하고, 본청이 있는 인천 연수구 송도에는 분소를 운영해왔으나 분소를 이용하려면 송도까지 와야 하는 불편함 탓에 이용률이 떨어져 공항으로의 이전 필요성이 제기돼왔다.

  인천분소에서 처리할 수 없는 사무는 광화문 통합민원실과 연계해 처리해 준다는 게 재외동포청의 설명이다.

“향후 민원실 설치 더욱 늘릴 것”

이날 오후 진행된 개소식에는 이상덕 재외동포청장을 비롯해 윤주석 외교부 영사안전국장, 김범호 인천국제공항공사 부사장, 김영근 재외동포협력센터장, 김연식 재외동포서비스지원센터장, 신연정 재외동포청 정책자문위원 등이 참석했다.

이상덕 청장은 “재외동포가 모국을 한층 더 가깝게 느낄 수 있는 소통창구 역할을 민원실이 맡게 될 것”이라며 “향후 이용률을 봐가며 민원실 설치를 더 늘려 편리성 제고에 힘쓰겠다”고 말했다.

이어 “전 세계 재외동포들이 모국과 만나는 첫 순간, 재외동포청이 함께 하겠다”며 “비록 작은 공간에서 시작하지만, 큰 의미를 가지고 있으며, 외교부를 비롯해 각 부처 민원실이 몰려 있어 민원업무 처리에 ‘원스톱’ 효과를 볼 것”이라고 강조했다.

실질적 도움드리는 정책 평가

재외동포청이 그동안 밝혀 온 ‘700만 재외동포의 든든한 울타리이자 대변자로서 문턱을 낮추고 소통해서 재외동포의 손톱 및 가시를 빼드리고 실질적인 도움을 드리며 민생과 현장을 챙기는’ 다짐을 실천한 사례로 평가받고 있다.

윤주석 외교부 영사안전국장은 축사를 통해 “재외동포청은 지난해 6월 출범이래 재외동포들을 위해 많은 일을 해 왔다”며 “특히 이상덕 청장 부임 이후 재외동포청의 사업 진행 속도가 더욱 빠르게 탄력을 받고 있고, 인천분소 개소식도 그 결과”라고 말했다.

개소식 직후 직접 증명서를 발급받은 뉴질랜드 동포 신연정 재외동포청 정책자문위원은 “재외동포청 민원실은 단순한 행정 공간이 아니라 재외동포와 대한민국을 연결하는 다리”라고 강조하면서 “동포청 민원실 인천분소의 인천공항 이전은 재외동포들을 이해하고 배려하는 강력한 제스처가 될 것”이라고 재외동포의 입장에서 기대감을 표했다.

그러면서 “모국 방문 시 아포스티유(증명서)를 받으려고 따로 시간을 낼 필요가 없게 돼 감사하다”고 반겼다.

The path has been opened for overseas Koreans entering and leaving the country to easily obtain various certificates at the airport.

The On Dec. 2, the Overseas Koreans Agency moved the Integrated Civil Service Office Incheon Branch to the Government Complex Center on the second floor of Incheon International Airport Terminal 2 and held an opening ceremony to begin full-scale operations.

The Civil Service Office, which began operations the same morning, provides various civil affairs services related to overseas immigration, such as issuing copies of overseas national registration certificates, reissuing overseas emigration report confirmations and reporting of returns, as well as integrated civil affairs consultations (by phone and video), reservations and guidance.

In addition, consultation services are provided on various administrative civil affairs closely related to overseas Koreans, such as legal affairs (nationality, compatriot visas, immigration), military service, family relations, national taxes, customs, veterans affairs, employment, national pension, health insurance and driver’s licenses.

‘One-stop effect’ achieved with presence of civil service offices of each government department

   In particular, the government-integrated center on the second floor of Incheon International Airport Terminal 2, where the new Incheon branch office is located, is expected to have a synergy effect in helping overseas Koreans handle various civil service tasks because, as the name suggests, the civil service integrated offices of each government department are gathered together.

  At the Ministry of Justice Immigration Service Center, one can easily handle tasks, such as issuing various certificates and registering for automatic immigration screening.

  In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Passport Civil Service Center provides 24/7 emergency passport issuance, passport issuance record certificates, and passport acquisition and loss reporting.

  In addition, the Military Manpower Administration provides services, such as overseas travel permits for military service personnel, confirmation and management of military service records for those entering and leaving the country, and enlistment applications for permanent residents.

  In addition, the Animal and Plant Quarantine Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; the Marine Products Quarantine Center of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries; the Traveler Customs   Clearance civil affairs office of the Korea Customs Service; the National Heritage Administration’s Cultural Heritage Appraisal Office; the Airport Police Unit Security Center; and the National Tax Service’s Taxpayer Support Center are located here.

  The OKA has set up an integrated civil service office in Gwanghwamun, Seoul, and had operated a branch office in Songdo, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, where the OKA’s headquarters is located.

  However, due to the inconvenience of having to travel to Songdo to use the branch office, the usage rate was low, and the need to move to the airport was raised.

  The OKA explained that any business that cannot be handled at the Incheon branch office will be handled in conjunction with the Gwanghwamun office.

‘We will increase the number of civil service office branches in the future’

The opening ceremony, held in the afternoon of the same day, was attended by OKA Commissioner Lee Sang-duk, director of the Consular Security Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yoon Ju-seok, Vice President of Incheon International Airport Corp.

Kim Beom-ho, head of the Overseas Koreans Cooperation Center Kim Young-geun, head of the Overseas Koreans Service Support Center Kim Yeon-sik and OKA policy advisory committee member Shin Yeon-jeong.

“The civil service office will serve as a communication channel that allows overseas Koreans to feel closer to their home country,” OKA Commissioner Lee said.

“We will work to increase the number of civil service offices in the future while looking at the usage rate and improving convenience.

“The OKA will be there for overseas Koreans around the world from the moment they first meet their mother country.

Although it is starting in a small space, it has great significance, and since the civil service offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and each government department are gathered here, it will have a one-stop effect in handling administrative affairs.”

Evaluation of policies that provide practical help

The OKA is being evaluated as a case that has put into practice the promise that it has made so far: “As a protective barrier and representative for 7 million overseas Koreans, we will lower the threshold, communicate, solve the thorny issues of overseas Koreans, provide practical help, and take care of the people’s livelihoods and lived realities.”

“Since its launch in June of last year, the OKA has done a lot for overseas Koreans,” Consular Security Bureau director Yoon said in his congratulatory speech.

“Since Commissioner Lee took office, the speed of the OKA’s business progress has been more rapid and has gained momentum, and the opening ceremony of the Incheon branch is a result of that.”

OKA policy advisory committee member Shin, a New Zealand compatriot who received a certificate herself immediately after the opening ceremony, emphasized, “The OKA’s Civil Affairs Office is not simply an administrative space but a bridge connecting overseas compatriots and the Republic of Korea.”

She expressed her expectations from the perspective of overseas compatriots, saying: “The relocation of the Incheon branch of the OKA Civil Service Office to Incheon Airport will be a strong gesture of understanding and consideration for overseas compatriots. I am grateful that I no longer have to set aside time to get an apostille when visiting my home country.”

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