웹진 3월호




· 1일: 미국 시카고 한인회장 면담 및 오찬(재외동포청)
  · 2일: 베트남 외교부 차관 면담 및 오찬(재외동포청)
  · 8일: YTN글로벌센터장 면담 및 오찬(재외동포청), 제1차 정책자문위원회 위촉식 겸 전체회의(재외동포청)
  · 12일: 인천 경제자유구역청장 면담(송도)
  · 15일: 프랑스 리움학교 대표 면담(재외동포청) ,병무청장 면담(재외동포청)
  · 17일: 이북5도위원회 평안남도지사 면담(재외동포청)
  · 18일: 33차 재외동포정책 실무위원회 및 오찬(정부서울청사),2024년 재외공관장회의 개회식 참석(외교부)
  · 23일: 재외동포청-금융결제원 업무협약식 참석(광화문)
  · 26일: 2024년 재외공관장회의 오찬 간담회 주재(서울)
  · 29일: 세계한인언론인협회 기조강연 및 축사(서울)
  · 30일: 2024 세계한인차세대대회 개회식 및 기조강연(서울)

· 1: Meeting and luncheon with president of Korean Association of Chicago, USA (OKA)
  · 2: Meeting and luncheon with vice minister of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam (OKA)
  · 8: Meeting and luncheon with YTN global center director (Overseas Koreans Office)
  · 11: 1st Policy Advisory Committee Appointment Ceremony and General Meeting (OKA)
  · 12: Meeting with director of Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority (Songdo)
  · 15: Meeting with representative of Leeum School in France (OKA)
  · 16: Meeting with director of Military Manpower Administration (OKA)
  · 17: Meeting with governor of South Pyongan Province, Committee for Five North Korean Provinces (OKA)
  · 18: 33rd Overseas Korean Policy Working Committee and Luncheon (Seoul Government Complex)
  · 22: Attendance at opening ceremony of 2024 Heads of Diplomatic Missions Meeting (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
  · 23: Attendance at Overseas Koreans Office-KFTC business agreement ceremony (Gwanghwamun)
  · 26: Presiding over 2024 Overseas Diplomatic Heads’ Meeting and Luncheon (Seoul)
  · 29: Keynote lecture and congratulatory address at World Association of Korean Journalists (Seoul)
  · 30: 2024 Future Leaders’ Conference opening ceremony and keynote lecture (Seoul)

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